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Análise de marcha ao vivo e programa para aprimorar suas habilidades e prevenir lesões

LIVE 3-Dimensional Capture of gait and running analysis is a method of evaluation and assessment of walking and running biomechanics that uses an optoelectronic three-dimensional motion capture device system. It provides an in-depth observation, analyze individual and athlete's  essential needs, measure training loads, design strength training program, and information to track and enhance walking gait or running gait efficiency and assist clinicians in recommendation of a walking/running program and/or physical therapy plan of care. 

Kinesoworks Physical Therapy is ready and able to provide 3 D Running Gait analysis. We are the only outpatient physical therapy facility in New York City to offer the gold standard method of analyzing the biomechanics of running and walking powered by RunDNA and conducted by a Certified Running Gait Analyst Levels 1 and 2. 

Call, text, email, or chat with us to Register and schedule your appointment:

Contact information: 718-839-3046


Gait Readiness Assessment 

Níveis de Carregamento

Avaliação 2D

Access to Run DNA App and allows to sync your wearable data with Garmin and Strava to track and upload your workout

Acesso a Programas de Treinamento Dinâmico

Análise da marcha 3D


O que a pesquisa está dizendo

3 D Gait Analysis is a state-of-the art technology that accurately describes how people walk and run in three-dimensions.


Phinyomark, A., Petri, G., Ibáñez-Marcelo, E., Osis, S. T., & Ferber, R. (2018). Analysis of Big Data in Gait Biomechanics: Current Trends and Future Directions. Journal of medical and biological engineering, 38(2), 244–260.

Kinesioworks Fisioterapia

Preços de serviços

Compare nossos pacotes de serviços e encontre o mais adequado para você.

Pacote 1- Desconto de 30%

$ 150,00

Best basic package offer for starters 

Avaliação e avaliação básicas

Uma cópia do relatório de análise da marcha

Pacote 2 - Desconto de 30%

$ 299,00

Pacote 1 + sessão única de tratamento

Avaliação e avaliação básica + Acesso ao aplicativo Run DNA por 3 meses

Pacote 1 + Sessão de tratamento

Pacote 3 - Desconto de 30%

$ 499,00

Melhor pacote com duas sessões de tratamento com acesso ao aplicativo RunDNA por 6 meses

Pacote 1 + 2 Sessões de tratamento

Access to App for 6 months

Receba uma cópia da análise da marcha 3D via App com design do programa

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