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performance physical therapy

Bem-vindo à KinesioWorks Fisioterapia, PC

KinesioWorks Physical Therapy fornece avaliação e tratamento de fisioterapia individualizados e excepcionais. Estamos comprometidos com a mais alta qualidade de atendimento ao paciente fornecido por nossos fisioterapeutas experientes.

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performance physical therapy

Seguros de saúde que aceitamos:

Atualmente, aceitamos pacientes que pagam por conta própria e os seguintes seguros de saúde: Aetna, Affinity, Cigna, Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, Elderplan, EmblemHealth-GHI, Fidelis Care, Healthfirst, Humana, MetroPlus, United Health Care, WellCare. Workers Comp, Village Care Max, Medicare e Medicaid (direto), Magnacare, Multiplan, WC, 1199 SEIU

Link de registro do paciente (digitalize ou toque no link do código QR abaixo)


Reabilitação Vestibular

Agora oferecemos terapia de reabilitação vestibular que inclui avaliação inicial individualizada para tontura devido à vertigem posicional paroxística benigna e outras condições de equilíbrio de origem vestibular.

Consulta gratuita para especialista em tratamento de concussão de impacto:



Kinesioworks Physical Therapy is ready and able to provide 3 D Running Gait analysis in New York City. We now offer the gold standard method of analyzing the biomechanics of running and walking powered by RunDNA and conducted by a Certified Running Gait Analyst Levels 1 and 2. 

Attention all High School and College Varsity Track Athletes, we still offer a free 15-minute consult every Wednesday from 330 PM to 6 PM!

Please call, text, email, or chat with us to Register and schedule your free 15-minute consult.

Click the link  below to find a certified running gait analyst in your community:


Our new physical therapy out-patient rehab office is now located in the Hamilton and Washington Heights section of Manhattan. Aside from the orthopedic and sports physical therapy services that we offer, we also perform 2D Running Gait Analysis (RGA) and soon to offer 3D Running Gait Analysis. Additionally, our physical therapy provider is a Certified Running Gait Analyst-Level 1 and 2 and is an avid runner as well.


Both types of RGA have been shown to be reliable measures to identify and assess running kinematics that affect a runner’s performance. Results of the study by Reinking et al (2018) have shown that 2D RGA has a high intra-rater and inter-rater reliability in measuring eight running kinematic variables in the sagittal plane. Moreover, A systematic review by Oliviera et al (2019) further supports the reliability of video-based 2D RGA. The authors found that 2D RGA has a high reliability in quantifying step rate among runners as well as in determining the foot strike pattern (Oliviera et al 2019). Oliviera et al (2019) highly recommends the use of 2D RGA in clinical settings based on the excellent outcomes in the studies and the ability of clinicians with varying levels of clinical experience to reliably perform 2D RGA (Oliviera et al 2019; Reinking et al 2018).




Oliviera F., Fredette A., Echeverria S., Batch, C., Roy, J. (2019). Validity and reliability of 2-dimensional video-based assessment to analyze foot strike pattern and step rate during running: A systematic review. SPorts Health.  11(5). 409-415. doi: 10.1177/1941738119844795


Reinking, M., Dugan L., Ripple, N., Schleper K., Scholz H., Spadino J., Stahl C., McPoil T. (2018). International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy . 13(3) 453-461 doi: 10.26603/ijspt20180453

Tem dor lombar? Temos a solução certa para você.
Ligue para nós para agendar uma avaliação e tratamento de fisioterapia:

O Vertetrac é um dispositivo inovador para o tratamento de dor lombar crônica devido à hérnia de disco lombar. Ele fornece tração dinâmica que é usada durante o tratamento enquanto o paciente está caminhando. Estudos recentes mostraram os efeitos benéficos do sistema de tração dinâmica no alívio da dor lombar e na melhoria dos resultados dos pacientes. No estudo de Mirovsky, Grober, Blankstein e Stabholz (2006), o uso do Vertetrac melhorou as pontuações de dor e aumentou a amplitude de movimento lombar em pacientes com dor lombar mecânica. O Vertetrac também demonstrou ter alta precisão na medição da rigidez espinhal (Young et. al., 2020). Tucker (1994) também descreveu os resultados do estudo de Stabholtz e Gruber. No estudo, pacientes com síndrome da faceta lombar tiveram uma redução nos sintomas após o uso do Vertetrac.


Mirovsky Y., Grober A., Blankstein A., & Stabholz L. (2006). O efeito da tração lombar ambulatorial combinada com esteira em pacientes com dor lombar crônica. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 19, 73-38.

Tucker, J. (1994). Tração ambulatorial Vertetrac e a síndrome da faceta lombar. The Digest of Chiropractic Economics, 42 e 88.

Young, A., Swain, M., Kawchuk, G., Wong, A., & Downie, A. (2020). A precisão de bancada do dispositivo de avaliação de rigidez espinhal Vertetrack. Quiropraxia e Terapias Manuais, 28(42), 1-9.

We are now officially open! Our Rehab PT office is ready to serve the

community of The Heights (Hamilton and Washington Heights) in Manhattan and neighboring areas in 

New York City!

Call us to schedule and secure your appointment!

Telephone # (718)- 839-3046/ (212) 740-2049

Fax# (917)- 388-3417

Treinamento de equilíbrio com SoloStep


Treinamento de equilíbrio com SoloStep

We provide the care that you need in the 

community of the Heights.

   The use of an overhead track system for balance training during physical therapy and rehabilitation has been used by many institutions. It offers many benefits for both the patient and the therapist. For patients, use of an overhead track system allows for partial body weight support thus improves patient experience during gait and balance training, increase confidence, and eliminates fall risk during rehabilitation itself. For healthcare staff members, including physical therapists, Miller, Engst, Tate, and Yassi (2005), reported that use of ceiling lifts for patient manual handling reduced patient handling injuries promoting safety among both 

patients and care staff.

Reference: Miller, A., Engst, C., Tate, R. B., & Yassi, A. (2006). Evaluation of the effectiveness of portable ceiling lifts in a new long-term care facility. Applied Ergonomics, 37(3), 377–385.

Call Now to Schedule your appointment:


Clique aqui para mais detalhes .


During this unprecedented time, continuity of care is of utmost importance. In our effort to provide the best service for our patients, we are offering physical therapy via telepractice using a secure video conferencing platform that patients can access through computer or any mobile device such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Please contact us at 718-839-3046 or email at to schedule an appointment. 

To download the form, please click below:

Telepractice consent form

Online Fillable Consent Form

Patient Testimonial 

"Mi experiencia en la terapia en Kinesioworks Physical Therapy P.C. a sido maravillosa, muy profisional, dedicacior y respeto. Agracio a Dios por haserme dado este regalo donde Vicente con amor humano me ha tratado. He tenido un maravillos. Dios te vendiga a ti y tu famila."

("My experience in therapy at Kinesioworks Physical Therapy has been wonderful, very professional, dedicated and respectful. Thank God for giving me this gift where Vincent with human love has treated me. I have had a wonderful time. God bless you and your family.")


Venecia T.

Pagamento por Serviços e Seguros de Saúde Aceitos

Atualmente, aceitamos pacientes que pagam por conta própria e os seguintes seguros de saúde: Aetna , Cigna, Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, BCBS Medicaid, Elderplan, EmblemHealth GHI e HIP, Fidelis Care, Healthfirst, Humana, MetroPlus, Molina (Affinity), United Health Care (Dual, Comm Plan, Choice, AARP, Oxford Freedom), Workers Comp, Village Care Max, Medicare e Medicaid (direto), 1199 SEIU

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